Joescina was born on August 27, 1947. She lives in Colonia Bella Vista No. 2 in Guaimaca, Honduras.  She suffers with poor circulation, but can not afford to visit a private clinic or the hospital for her medical care.  Joescina receives a visit twice monthly and is given food, medicinee, and other provisions.  She was given a Bible and Christ’s love is shared.  She was told of Jesus’ love, that He died for her sins, and of His desire than she should trust in Him, be saved, and be assured of eternal life in Heaven.

Joescina enjoys her home visits by the SCM caregivers.  She also receives special visits from visiting teams from the States.  Her overall health is not good and she is in bed most of the time.  Please pray for Josecina, her health, and for her family as they care for her. .