In October we returned from Honduras with a great report to share with you.  Here are some highlights.

Senior Citizen Ministry

We were able to visit the WBM SCM recipients at least twice while in Guaimaca during this visit.  Each visit was a blessing to us as well as the Seniors.  Mino Rodriguez is administering the SCM and visits each person at least twice each month with food, medicine, clothing, and other items needed.  All of the recipients look forward to receiving the food he brings and always express their appreciation for all of the help they receive.

Some seniors have family or friends as caregivers, who often share the food as compensation for their time and service.  None of the SCM recipients are able to provide for themselves due to their financial state as well as their physical ability.  As SCM recipients are added these are strict requirements in order to qualify.

During a recent team visit team nurses were able to minister to Pauline Colindres in a very special way.  She has suffered for years with a wound to her leg that wouldn’t heal due to her unsanitary living conditions.  The nurses were able to clean her wound, apply ointment, and wrap her leg to prevent new infection.  They also left funds for cleaning and dressing her leg.  Her leg is almost healed now.

Please visit the Senior Citizen Ministry web page for more details and to see a photo of Pauline.

Grace Biblical Seminary

The October GBS classes were the best attended yet.  Up to 25 students studied the book of Galatians under the instructions of Dr. Gene Yancey.  With the new students attending these classes it will soon be necessary to provide basic classes in Bible study in order for new students to have the foundation on which to build their future studies.

At the end of the week the students enjoyed their noon meal at the new La Chiquita restaurant.  The final hours of instruction were presented by Dr. Yancey at the restaurant.  We have seen the classes grow from less than ten students to more than twenty students.  We thank God for blessing this most important ministry to the pastors and those who provide leadership to their churches.

WBM Churches

Through the years WBM has planted eight new churches in and around Guaimaca.  Each of those churches has done well with tte exception of the church in the extremely remote San Jose de Guayape.  The original pastor of San Jose agreed to plant the church and remain there as their pastor until another pastor could be found.  He and his family remained there for two years and were replaced by a new pastor.  After some problems the pastor left and the church was closed, as no other pastor could be found at the time.

Recently a pastor from Concordia, a nearby town, began attending the GBS classes and asked for permission to pastor the church in San Jose.  We excitedly agreed.  Please pray that Pastor Angel will provide the leadership needed in San Jose, a town of more than 500 residents..

The new Cerro Grande Baptist Church will soon be open and in use.  The congregation still uses the community center for meetings, but will soon have windows, doors, and a beautiful tile floor.  Pastor David Avila is looking forward to preaching in the new building.  The Cerro Grande church is one of the eight churches planted by the WBM Ministry.

Senior Citizen Activity Center

WBM recently sponsored the drilling of a well for the Senior Citizen’s Activity Center in Guaimaca, where up to 150 Seniors gather each weekday for a meal and fellowship.  WBM was pleased to be able to provide food and several really great visits to the Center and participate often in helping with various needs.  Sandy Yancey, wife of Dr. Gene Yancey, demonstrated the love of Christ ih a program she presented at the Center while Gene taught the GBS classes.

Children’s Daycare Center

WBM also sponsored the drilling of a well for the Children’s Daycare Center in Guaimaca, where several hundred children from very poor homes come each day to attend school and enjoy a hot meal.  Many of the children have working single mothers, who would be unable to earn a living for their family if they had no place to leave their children while they work. Only poor children are allowed to attend this daycare center, where there are no special requirements to attend, like uniforms, which they can’t afford.

We often visit the Children’s Daycare Center to share Christ, provide school supplies, and leave food for the children.  This is an unbelievable ministry to many children, who would otherwise be unable to attend school or hear of God;s love.

Mexico Beach Hurricane

We returned to the States early than planned in October to complete the loading and delivery of a 40′ container of clothes, food, baby supplies, etc. to Mexico Beach.  Through Samaritan’s Purse we made contact with the First Baptist Church of Mexico Beach, FL to receive the container.  The container, chassis, and its contents.were delivered to Pastor Eddie La Fountain to be used as needed.  Pastor Eddie said that all of the items were needed and that they could use the container for storage and distribution of items to those in need.  WBM was very pleased that the container and chassis could be used by the Lord in such a way..


It is only possible to continue these, and many other, projects with your prayers, participation, and financial support.  100% of your gifts are used as you request and all donations are tax deductible.  World Baptist Missions Inc, is a 501-c-3 non profit.  You may use all donations as tax deductions as allowed by the law.

Thank you for your prayers and support..



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