The entire WBM Board of Directors of WBM wish you and your family a merry and blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year.
This is certainly the season to be happy in the knowledge that we are children of the Most High God and Creator of the Universe. He has ordained that each of us is saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone. Isn’t it a wonderful assurance to know we are His children and that we will live throughout eternity with Him in Heaven? May the Christmas season bring you joy, happiness, and abundant blessings.
Thank you for your fervent prayers and your faithful support of World Baptist Missions Inc.
I just returned from four weeks in Honduras with Gene Mojica. Gene is WBM’s Journeyman Missionary, who joined WBM in October. Gene was able to leave his family and work to spend the entire four weeks in Honduras, when we traveled to areas, where WBM has ministry connections and projects both past and present. Gene was able to immediately establish relationships with pastors and many others as he and I traveled the area. Gene enjoyed participating in a full week of WBM Grace Seminary classes. His fluent Spanish provided the means of communication and understanding. I was definitely impressed with his kind and generous attitude and humble spirit. Gene came home with many fond memories and an understanding of the WBM Ministry in Honduras. He is already taking on the responsibility of managing ongoing projects in Honduras and is able to communicate easily using WhatsApp for messaging and direct audio conversations at no cost.
The first week was filled with coordinating the installation of the roof on the first Senior Assisted Living Center residence building. Gene used his knowledge of roof work to coordinate the project with a local contractor. Here is a photo of the completed roof on the first housing unit, which has four apartments for two people in each apartment. Remember this project is still under construction, so it is yet to become “beautiful”, but that time will come soon, Lord willing.
There’s an extreme need for at least two apartments immediately. So, the next step will be to install the water service to this building, extend the electrical service to the building, and build the waste water system and tie it to this building. We are praying for funds to be available to complete this stage of the project in February of 2024. Please support this project with your prayers and financial gifts.
The December WBM Grace Seminary in Guaimaca and Oropoli were well attended. Forty-two students were awarded Certificates of Completion for faithfully attending classes and meeting the class requirements. An additional ten students received Certificates of Completion for four Bible classes. Here are photos of the graduating classes in Guaimaca and Oropoli.
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