It’s well past time to report on the 2022 WBM Ministry.  It was an exceptionally good year with team visits, food programs for the poor and needy, construction, and evangelism.  WBM is on the move and serving in Honduras as well as in the States.  Here are some highlights of 2022 in review.

Food for the poor and elderly has been a priority of WBM for many years.  In 2022 WBM sponsored several meals at the Senior Center with singing, fellowship, one on one team visiting, medical care, and even provides a doctor to visit the Senior Center each month to care for Seniors with special medical needs.  The Senior Assisted Living Center project is moving forward with completion of the first building on the property.  This building serves as the distribution center for electricity and water for the entire Senior Assisted Living Center (SALC).  It also serves as the maintenance shop for the entire SALC.

The WBM Grace Seminary hosted three week-long seminary classes in 2022.  At the end of each of the three classes the pastors, who completed all five days of classes were presented with Certificates of Completion for the two courses completed.  WBM is pleased to announce that the Seminary has grown to more than 50 students.  The next week of classes will be in January of 2023.  Seminary classes are now being held one week in Oropoli, which is in South Honduras and in Guaimaca, which is in central Honduras.

In 2022 WBM cared for two very special individual and their families.  Rebeca Bradley was diagnosed with terminal cancer and sent home by her doctors.  WBM provided food and funds for Rebeca and her father, sister, and nephew during the entire year.  Their roof was lleaking badly, as it was in terrible condition and covered with an old plastic tarp, which was leaking in many places.  A sponsor provided the funds to replace the roof structurre with a new steel roof and made repairs to the walls and plumbing.  Their one room house is in good condition now and protected from the rain.

Ariel Morales and his children were cared for duriing the year by several designated donors.  Using the designated donations, WBM was able to provide funds for Ariel to meed the basic needs of life as well as care for his young children to attend school.  Sadly, Ariel contracted an infection, which took his life.  WBM is thankful for those, who provided care for Ariel and his children until his untimely death.

In 2022 WBM was host to the PATTH team from Pella, IA, who travel each year to serve the people of Honduras.  In 2022 they ministered to children as well as adult and seniors.  The PATTH team always bring needed medical items and personal care, evangelism, and a construction team, who worked on the new SALC, which PATTH sponsors.  We are always excited to host the PATTH team in February each year for the past fifteen years.  They are a great blessing to the people of Honduras in so many ways.

In May WBM hosted the Pella College Team, who built church benches, sponsored children’s ministries, visited homes, and planted cuttings, which will become trees on the SALC property to provide shade for residents.  The team of young men and women was a significant blessing to the people of Honduras.  We anticipate their return in 2023 with even more blessings for Honduras.

Visit again soon to see photos and more information about WBM in 2022.