by Sandy Cheves | Sep 11, 2018 | Thoughts From the President
JoAnn and I will be flying to Honduras tomorrow to resume our ministry in Guaimaca, F.M. Honduras. We’re looking forward to seeing our friends and to serving in the WBM Ministry there. As always, there will be many challenges to meet and overcome, so we...
by Sandy Cheves | Jul 19, 2018 | Thoughts From the President
This has been one of the most exciting times of our Ministry. The recent election of a Christian to the highest authority level in Guaimaca, the office of Mayor, has opened the door for World Baptist Missions (WBM) to reach the 40,000 people of Guaimaca for Christ. ...
by Sandy Cheves | Mar 2, 2018 | Thoughts From the President
It’s Friday, the week is almost over. It’s been a good week with many new challenges mingled with reminders of past years and the time when those days were also with new challenges. It’s Friday. Saturday is coming soon, but today is Friday. One of...
by Sandy Cheves | Feb 11, 2018 | Thoughts From the President
The past few weeks have been filled with lots of things to do in preparation for our upcoming trip to Honduras. Now it’s only one more day here before we leave. It’s been four months since we were in Honduras, which is very unusual after so many years of...
by GraceNet Support | Jan 5, 2018 | Thoughts From the President
Wow!!! What a great ride it has been. JoAnn and I often look back on the thirty years in Honduras (since March 13, 1988) and find that God has carried us along on his back to experience things that seem so impossible now. Yet we were there and a part of those...
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